Friday, October 5, 2012

Interview = A Vivid Hallucination, Art = Life After Death...

Here I am with Jacque Drinkall for my in-tent interview...

The brevity of the interview immediately reminded me of my days as a SLebrity where I only had to chat for 5 minutes max! Other than that detail...I cannot remember much about my past life except that I became slightly nostalgic for it...

The main question asked was... "Is Art more about Life or Death?"

In Egypt, Art is about Life after Death...Clearly there is Life after Death in HobART. For example, I heard a gallery crowd in Tasmania at times but not at all times...I am sure their current incarnations are having more art and life than I am....I feel dead still....or worse, undead! Stuck in my old pixel-skin again....

Before the interview, I was loitering around Second Life's Tasmania which I am convinced was just a piece of land underwater...I preferred to loiter near it such as here...

What else can I say at this time? People are partying in Hobart and my biotar self needs to zzz...

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